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General Biology Studies Bachelor's Degrees in Virginia

Virginia General Biology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 39 Virginia schools providing general biology bachelor's degrees, and University of Virginia is the best option.

Check all Virginia schools awarding general biology bachelor's degrees and biology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other biology major or diploma.

VA general biology bachelor's degree schools:

University of Virginia - Biology School Ranking
1. University of Virginia

Located in Charlottesville

University of Richmond - Biology School Ranking
2. University of Richmond

Located in Richmond

William & Mary - Biology School Ranking
3. William & Mary

Located in Williamsburg

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Biology School Ranking
Virginia Commonwealth University - Biology School Ranking
George Mason University - Biology School Ranking
6. George Mason University

Located in Fairfax

James Madison University - Biology School Ranking
7. James Madison University

Located in Harrisonburg

Washington and Lee University - Biology School Ranking
Old Dominion University - Biology School Ranking
9. Old Dominion University

Located in Norfolk

Christopher Newport University - Biology School Ranking
10. Christopher Newport University

Located in Newport News

Liberty University - Biology School Ranking
11. Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg

Shenandoah University - Biology School Ranking
12. Shenandoah University

Located in Winchester

Regent University - Biology School Ranking
13. Regent University

Located in Virginia Beach

University of Mary Washington - Biology School Ranking
14. University of Mary Washington

Located in Fredericksburg

Hampton University - Biology School Ranking
15. Hampton University

Located in Hampton

Hampden Sydney College - Biology School Ranking
16. Hampden Sydney College

Located in Hampden Sydney

Radford University - Biology School Ranking
17. Radford University

Located in Radford

Longwood University - Biology School Ranking
18. Longwood University

Located in Farmville

Virginia State University - Biology School Ranking
19. Virginia State University

Located in Petersburg

Hollins University - Biology School Ranking
20. Hollins University

Located in Roanoke

Norfolk State University - Biology School Ranking
Sweet Briar College - Biology School Ranking
22. Sweet Briar College

Located in Sweet Briar

University of Lynchburg - Biology School Ranking
23. University of Lynchburg

Located in Lynchburg

Eastern Mennonite University - Biology School Ranking
24. Eastern Mennonite University

Located in Harrisonburg

Marymount University - Biology School Ranking
25. Marymount University

Located in Arlington

Randolph College - Biology School Ranking
26. Randolph College

Located in Lynchburg

Randolph Macon College - Biology School Ranking
27. Randolph Macon College

Located in Ashland

Virginia Military Institute - Biology School Ranking
Bridgewater College - Biology School Ranking
29. Bridgewater College

Located in Bridgewater

Mary Baldwin University - Biology School Ranking
30. Mary Baldwin University

Located in Staunton

Emory & Henry College - Biology School Ranking
Roanoke College - Biology School Ranking
32. Roanoke College

Located in Salem

Virginia Wesleyan University - Biology School Ranking
33. Virginia Wesleyan University

Located in Virginia Beach

Virginia Union University - Biology School Ranking
University of Virginia's College at Wise - Biology School Ranking
Averett University - Biology School Ranking
36. Averett University

Located in Danville

Ferrum College - Biology School Ranking
37. Ferrum College

Located in Ferrum

Bluefield University - Biology School Ranking
38. Bluefield University

Located in Bluefield

Southern Virginia University - Biology School Ranking
39. Southern Virginia University

Located in Buena Vista

Other biology bachelor's degrees in VA:

Zoology and Wildlife: 1 school
Anatomy and Physiology: 9 schools
Marine Biology: 1 school
Environment and Ecology: 2 schools
Biomedical Sciences: 10 schools
Cellular and Molecular: 1 school
Genetic Science: 5 schools
Bioengineering and Biotechnology: 3 schools
Biochemistry and Biophysics: 14 schools
Bioinformatics and Biometrics: 2 schools

Other general biology diplomas in VA:

Certificates: 3 schools
Associate's Degrees: 10 schools
Master's Degrees: 12 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 6 schools

Virginia biology schools by city:

Annandale: 1 school
Arlington: 1 school
Ashland: 1 school
Blacksburg: 1 school
Bluefield: 1 school
Bridgewater: 1 school
Buena Vista: 1 school
Charlottesville: 2 schools
Chester: 1 school
Danville: 1 school
Emory: 1 school
Fairfax: 1 school
Farmville: 1 school
Ferrum: 1 school
Fredericksburg: 1 school
Hampden Sydney: 1 school
Hampton: 2 schools
Harrisonburg: 2 schools
Lexington: 2 schools
Lynchburg: 3 schools
Middletown: 1 school
Newport News: 1 school
Norfolk: 4 schools
Petersburg: 2 schools
Radford: 1 school
Richmond: 4 schools
Roanoke: 2 schools
Salem: 1 school
Staunton: 1 school
Sweet Briar: 1 school
Virginia Beach: 3 schools
Weyers Cave: 1 school
Williamsburg: 1 school
Winchester: 1 school
Wise: 1 school

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