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Marine Biology and Oceanography Master's Degrees in South Carolina

South Carolina Marine Biology Master's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 3 South Carolina schools granting marine biology master's degrees, and University of South Carolina Columbia is the best option.

Check the rest of South Carolina schools granting marine biology and oceanography master's degrees and biology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other biology major or diploma.

SC marine biology master's degree schools:

University of South Carolina Columbia - Biology School Ranking
Coastal Carolina University - Biology School Ranking
College of Charleston - Biology School Ranking
3. College of Charleston

Located in Charleston

Marine biology master's degrees in nearby states:

Duke University - Biology School Ranking
Duke University

Located in Durham, North Carolina

University of Georgia - Biology School Ranking
University of Georgia

Located in Athens, Georgia

University of North Carolina Wilmington - Biology School Ranking
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Located in Wilmington, North Carolina

Savannah State University - Biology School Ranking
Savannah State University

Located in Savannah, Georgia

SC biology schools offering other master's degrees:

Clemson University - Biology School Ranking
Clemson University

Located in Clemson, 9 master's programs

Medical University of South Carolina - Biology School Ranking
Medical University of South Carolina

Located in Charleston, 3 master's programs

Citadel Military College of South Carolina - Biology School Ranking
Citadel Military College of South Carolina

Located in Charleston, 1 master's program

Winthrop University - Biology School Ranking
Winthrop University

Located in Rock Hill, 1 master's program

Claflin University - Biology School Ranking
Claflin University

Located in Orangeburg, 1 master's program

Columbia College South Carolina - Biology School Ranking
Columbia College South Carolina

Located in Columbia, 1 master's program

Charleston Southern University - Biology School Ranking
Charleston Southern University

Located in Charleston, 1 master's program

Other biology master's degrees in SC:

General Biology: 7 schools
Zoology and Wildlife: 1 school
Biomedical Sciences: 3 schools
Genetic Science: 2 schools
Bioengineering and Biotechnology: 2 schools
Biochemistry and Biophysics: 2 schools
Bioinformatics and Biometrics: 2 schools

Other marine biology diplomas in SC:

Bachelor's Degrees: 3 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

South Carolina biology schools by city:

Aiken: 1 school
Anderson: 1 school
Bluffton: 1 school
Central: 1 school
Charleston: 4 schools
Clemson: 1 school
Clinton: 1 school
Columbia: 4 schools
Conway: 1 school
Denmark: 1 school
Due West: 1 school
Florence: 1 school
Gaffney: 1 school
Greenville: 2 schools
Greenwood: 1 school
Hartsville: 1 school
Newberry: 1 school
Orangeburg: 2 schools
Rock Hill: 2 schools
Spartanburg: 3 schools
Sumter: 1 school
Tigerville: 1 school

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