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Montreat College: Biology Ranking 2024

Montreat CollegeRanked
in the USA
Montreat College is a very small not-for-profit Presbyterian college offering many disciplines along with the biology program and located in Montreat, North Carolina. This school is operating since 1916 and is currently offering bachelor's degrees in General Biology.

Montreat College is expensive: tuition is around $33,000 a year. If you look for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in North Carolina listing.

According to recent data analysis, Montreat College area is generally safe: the school is reported to have a good rating for campus crime.

Based on 67 evaluation metrics, Montreat College biology program ranks #1,433 Biology School (out of 1996; top 75%) in the United States and #40 Biology School in North Carolina. Major competing biology schools for this school are Duke University in Durham and Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Check the details about all twelve competing biology colleges and list of available biology majors below.

ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Biology programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#40 Biology School in North Carolina
#338 Biology School in the Southeast
#1,433 Biology School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#40 General Biology Program in North Carolina

Regional Ranking

#328 General Biology Program in the Southeast

National Ranking

#1,383 General Biology Program in USA

More program rankings:

You may be interested in other options to enroll Montreat College:
Medical Programs - ranked top 45% in USA
Also, see how Montreat College is ranked among graduate schools and Presbyterian colleges in North Carolina.

Contact information:

Montreat College
310 Gaither Circle
Montreat, NC 28757-1267
Phone: (828) 669-8012

Location map:

Montreat College Location Map

Biology majors:

Bachelor's degree

General Biology

Biology minors:

Bachelor's degree

General Biology

Local competitors:

Duke University - Biology School Ranking
Duke University

Durham, NC, 48 biology programs

Vanderbilt University - Biology School Ranking
Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN, 39 biology programs

Emory University - Biology School Ranking
Emory University

Atlanta, GA, 16 biology programs

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Biology School Ranking
University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC, 26 biology programs

Georgia Institute of Technology - Biology School Ranking
Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA, 11 biology programs

University of Virginia - Biology School Ranking
University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA, 14 biology programs

University of Richmond - Biology School Ranking
University of Richmond

Richmond, VA, 5 biology programs

Wake Forest University - Biology School Ranking
Wake Forest University

Winston Salem, NC, 19 biology programs

University of Georgia - Biology School Ranking
University of Georgia

Athens, GA, 50 biology programs

North Carolina State University at Raleigh - Biology School Ranking
North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC, 40 biology programs

Clemson University - Biology School Ranking
Clemson University

Clemson, SC, 28 biology programs

Ohio State University - Biology School Ranking
Ohio State University

Columbus, OH, 46 biology programs

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